Soul Expression (Cosmic Café), cont'd.

Basically, any kind of topic or subject can be brought to light as long as it is to help expand our cosmic consciousness and help in the ongoing soul growth of each one of the participants and the planet. They can be UB related or not, this is a tool for all loving human beings, no matter what words we use for the theme, topic or subject to describe our thought, as long as all those interested, are given the subject at the end of every gathering so that all can unite in mind and then come back the following session and bring about the treasures, the Fruits of the Spirit. Café guidelines allow for each person to speak (if they choose) without interruption.

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Kathy and Mark George-Moore have been facilitators of Cosmic Cafés for the past 5 years. If you have questions or would like to assist with the setup, Kathy and Mark are soulful experts and would love to talk with you. They will be facilitating the production of the Cosmic Cafés at the conference and can be reached via e-mail at