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The United Urantia Family is pleased to announce its 2nd triennial celebration of The United Urantia Family Festival, which will be held at Camp Wawona in Yosemite Park, California from August 20 to August 24, 2013 ~ a spiritual family reunion which will allow us to be gathered altogether on the birthday of Joshua Ben Joseph, our beloved Jesus Christ Michael! This venue promises to be particularly special, since we will all gather together at noon on August 21 at the famed “Grizzly Giant Sequoia” in Mariposa Grove, which  has been defined as a supremely angelic place on Urantia. Carolyn Kendall (Dr. Sadler’s secretary, one of the last living people involved in the contact commission/forum) has confirmed that the area is indeed the home base and headquarters for all the midwayers and angels as well as the archangels of our entire local Universe! In other words, it’s not hearsay – she was actually there to learn of this information first hand. We sincerely hope that you will be able to join us on Jesus’ birthday at the Grizzly Giant tree! What a Joy it will be to be gathered there all together under the watch care of Jesus and all the legions of angels that are said to be there singing “All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name” to our Lord Jesus Christ Michael of Nebadon. This is why we chose the theme Celebrating Jesus’ Family, in the Presence of Angels!

Charles Olivia summed up the matchless splendor of this year’s United Urantia Family Festival beautifully when he said, "I wish to repeat that, in my opinion, the gathering to celebrate Michael's name and his earthly birthday, and the Fifth Epochal Revelation, and the place where the archangels reside at their divisional headquarters will be a human event heretofore on an incomparable mortal scale for Urantia. Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Hallelujah! Given all that, and if we accept the axiom that the actions are ours and the consequences God's, then we can in faith rest our hearts in peace and thus remain at ease in the belief that the repercussions will be all good."


Prior to The United Urantia Family Festival, on Tuesday, August 20, Gard Jameson will be holdng a one-day, mini-retreat. The theme will be "The Contemplative Power of Forgiveness".

This mini-retreat will invite participants to step into the contemplative power of forgiveness, recognizing that mercy is essential to the contemplative journey. The physiology, psychology and spirituality of forgiveness will be shared in order to accelerate our self-understanding of how our lack of self-forgiveness and forgiveness of others impedes our capacity to receive and give the love of God.

Gard's retreat will be held in the main Lodge at Camp Wawona. There are no pre-requisites other than an open mind and an open heart. This mini-retreat will incorporate sessions of Contemplative Prayer as well as exercises designed to open up the wellsprings of mercy resident within our souls. When you complete your registration information for The United Urantia Family Festival, you will have the opportunity to indicate whether or not you plan to attend the mini-retreat.

There is no cost for the retreat but if you plan to attend you will need to arrive on Monday, August 19 and sleep over that night. Lodging for that one night will be $37 plus $9.50 per extra meal, which will be payable upon your arrival at Camp Wawona.

Come join us as we explore the wonder of mercy and healing power of forgiveness!

~ The United Urantia Family Mission ~

We are all part of One Global Family on earth, called Urantia as revealed to us in the Fifth Epochal Revelation to humanity called The Urantia Book. The more we gradually come to recognize God as our Universal Father of Love and all human beings as our spiritual brothers and sisters, the more we will fulfill our destiny to eventually become one global United Urantia Family. Therefore, The United Urantia Family mission is to live and spread the religion OF Jesus, which is the religion of Love as He so eloquently taught it and majestically lived it during His human life on earth.





The urantiafamilyties.com site is dedicated to the exploration of each other. Readers of the Urantia Book need a place to meet other readers and gain confidence in our growing community. As this site develops we hope that hundreds and thousands of readers from around the world will share themselves in the exploration of our United Urantia Family.